Category: This Week in Photography

Future to the Back

Future to the Back

Running time: 01:48:00 Download MP3 file Please install Flash to use the web based podcast player. Leica’s latest $6K camera drops the built-in display for a retro look. Who will buy it? And Sony is developing a smart contact lens that does more than let you see.

A 360º Look at 360º Video

A 360º Look at 360º Video

Running time: 01:20:38 Download MP3 file Please install Flash to use the web based podcast player. GoPro focuses on Omni VR rig. Nikon’s all-seeing 360 degree action camera. And scientists use DNA to store and retrieve photographs.

Please Shoot Responsibly

Please Shoot Responsibly

Running time: 01:10:02 Download MP3 file Please install Flash to use the web based podcast player. Local landmark shipwreck in California is destroyed for an Instagram photo. Flickr’s Auto-Uploader is now a Pro-only feature. Plus could the FBI force us to turn on our phone cameras to spy on us?