Running time: 1:06:59 Download MP3 file Please install Flash to use the web based podcast player.
Hosts: Alex Lindsay, John Foster, Kenji Kato, Craig Syverson
Why we Fight video on the Writers strike
Words that Go with that video.
Marvel Comics go online and Wired writes about it.
The RIAA wants to pull federal funding for schools.
Radiohead has the real data and surprise it is different from what people were guessing.
Sony Camera News
HVR-Z7U (handheld), HVR-S270U
(shoulder-mount) and the HVR-M35U playback and recording deck. A edit
deck cheaper (but not by much) than the camera, that’s a new move for
RED releases Redcine, native FCP support,Final Cut Studio 2 REDCODE Plugin, Red QT codec and more.
90,000 HD DVD players sold in one weekend
Band that John could not remember was called Operator Please singing a song about Ping Pong.
untalked about but mentioned stories
Does opening the Cable market even matter now?
Rebuilding Hollywood in the image of Silicon Valley