TWiM 58: Three WWDC 2007 Perspectives

TWiM 58: Three WWDC 2007 Perspectives

Running time: 00:45:11 Download MP3 file Please install Flash to use the web based podcast player.

Hosts: Craig Syverson, John Foster, Kenji Kato

10) time machine
backups. a good selling point for an airport extreme.

9) iChat
no additional charge as feared.
better audio – AAC-LD
Tabbed Chats
PhotoBooth Effects
photo sharing.
Keynote – education++
video sharing. scary just drag and drop.
anything that you can share with QuickLook works with this. dang.

8) Dashboards
unleashed? please?
use safari to make your own using Web Clips
Dash Code. played with this back in January. Cool stuff.

7) Spaces
this is almost a “finder” feature isn’t it?
drag and drop between spaces
multifinder and switcher have come a long way!
think F9 ++

6) Boot Camp
no additional charge as feared.
CD Burning not required
complements to parallels and VM ware

5) Core Animation
automatic animation.

4) 64-bit ground up.
Speed, memory, the future
doesn’t this leave a lot of CPU’s out? Like the G3s for example.
same version of Leopard does 32 and 64 bit apps. no rebooting. no safe mode

3) Quick Look
Preview ++
Full Screen

1) New Desktop
New Desktop! New 3D dock, new menu bar, stacks
desktop has been Steve’d.

2) New Finder
iTunes like, CoverFlow
insane global network features

Emphasis on dotMac but there was no BIG features singled out.