TWiM 44: Dread Pirate Roberts

TWiM 44: Dread Pirate Roberts

Running time: 01:15:42 Download MP3 file Please install Flash to use the web based podcast player.

Hosts: Alex Lindsay, John Foster, Craig Syverson, and Kenji Kato.

iWeb is a drag. Roughly Drafted and Video Grunt are examples of iWeb extreme.

Cybermesh from John Knoll.

How to draw cartoons.

There is a discussion about whether or not legislation should be introduced to force “questionable material” from being deliverable on what is proclaimed to be a community channel. Some listeners may want to skip 27 minutes ahead.

Porn might lose it’s port. Port 80 is HTTP. The obvious joke here is any porn in a port.

The Miller rule questioned. Why site blocking software goes bad.

Port 587 is the new Port 25.

Porn laws.

Frank Zappa on Crossfire from 1986. It’s like he’s a guest on TWiM. It’s pretty much the same discussion we had. There is a follow up from 1987 in 1, 2, 3 parts (opps the 3rd part was a dup).

pr0n discussion ends. at 27:17. Back to the regular.

Flying to SXSW on South West.

Download a torrent of SXSW songs. 739 MP3s.

Like Matt and Kim music. Yeah, yeah. They played at On Networks party.

The article that prompted the Avid discussion.

128 core video card.

NIN remixable.

Jam Glue is a remixing mixes.

The cow.

Panarama was used to make 300.